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How to Build a Bulletproof Mindset With Scott Mulvaney
“You need to start building a bulletproof mindset! It is the one thing you could always fall back on.” Scott Mulvaney (@livethefuel) known as a host and creator of Live The Fuel podcast show, is a passionate health nut, podcaster, public speaker, coach. His mission is to help people conquering their dreams while balancing the three Read more
What Happened When I Lost My Morning Routine
I’ve been pretty consistent over the last year with my morning routine. Those two hours in the morning have become kind of like my most sacred time. And I’ve been keeping them consistently no matter where I am, which is sometimes hard because I’m traveling the world. Lessons from this episode: How I lost My Read more
Increase The Motivation Of Your Employees By Autonomy & Mastery & Purpose
Is money only thing that motivates people? When you are looking at hiring someone you want to offer the highest possible salary. For most employers that is an indication that new member of a team will perform well. From my perspective, this is not necessarily thought. Money is not the most important thing that Read more
How AB Testing Helped Me Triple My Revenue And How It Will Help You Too
I am a huge fan of AB testing in general. I am a really data-driven person and I love testing everything! From my perspective, marketing is one of the core skills which you want to have. If you want to grow your business and company, you better own your marketing. Without knowledge in Read more
Break Your Routines Regularly! Do Something To Shake Things Up!
How and why you should shake your routines regularly? You should be doing something all the time to shake things up. And this is something that people do not do too much. People do not like to break their routines. My life is totally different in a last four years. I haven’t Read more
You Need Periods Of More Work And Less Work
When to work more, when to work less? Especially if you are someone who is interested in having a great lifestyle. There are many people who are building a lifestyle business. In my case, it is traveling the world. The thing with lifestyle businesses is that people have the freedom to organize their work Read more
The Difference Between An Amateur And A Professional Is Persistence & Patience
How you can grow your online business, have a great mindset and have a kick-ass amazing lifestyle? One distinction that I think a lot about recently. It really helped me through last years is: The difference between an amateur and a professional is persistence and patience! Those are only two things Read more
5 Rituals I Have When I Get To A New Place When I Travel As A Nomad That Help Me Settle Down & Also Grow My Business
How can you grow your online business and have an amazing lifestyle? For me, amazing lifestyle is one that I have created for myself in last four years. That is traveling the World and being location independent entrepreneur. I want to share with you few rituals I have when I travel as a nomad Read more
There Are 2 Ways To Build Up A Business Do It Yourself Or Hire Others To Do It For You
From my perspective, there are two ways of building your business. You can build up business on your own. Learn everything you need. Do hustle and grind, and yes! You can make It happened. I started like that and I did it! If you want more peaceful life, hire others to do it for Read more