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If You Want To Strengthen Your Remote Team – Go SEE Them
If you are someone who is planning to live laptop lifestyle and live remotely you are probably going to hire people remotely as well. Today even offices hire people remotely. I am someone who is working remotely for seven years. And all my teams are 100% remote. This business model is great. However, it Read more
Allow Some Silence And Peace To Listen To Yourself – Your Best Ideas Will Come Out Of That
Today’s topic can be perceived as strange. However, I really believe in this myself and I saw how it is changing things in my own life. My best ideas are coming when I am completely alone, secluded. When I am in the woods, when I am hiking, or I have not seen society for two Read more
If You Are An A Player – Hire A Players, For Success & Fulfillment
I would love to remind you of something that I am learning again and again. You should hire A players all the time! Especially if you are an A player, you should hire A players. I believe it will bring you more success quicker and it will give you more fulfillment and happiness to Read more
7 Lessons I Learned from Going To SaaStr 2018
Hey everybody! In this episode, I’ll share 7 lessons I learned from going to SaaStr 2018. For those who don’t know, SaaStr is a SaaS conference in San Francisco and one of the biggest in the world. I learned many things during my days there, and I can’t wait to share these tips with Read more
Adversity & Pain Is Exactly What You Are Missing To GROW
We live in a world where people are trying to avoid pain, adversity, and challenges. But the thing is, those are exactly the things we need, and exactly the things that make you and myself grow. You think you do not need pain? I just finished reading The Millionaire Next Door, a book about Read more
My 9-Step Morning Routine To Improve My Day
For the last few years, I have been testing different morning routines. And, every morning, I try to do something to empower my day. I’ve been consistent with my morning routines for last four years. I change them occasionally. But, I do not miss them. I consider these two hours that I dedicate to Read more
5 Ways Mastermind Groups Can Accelerate Your Results in Life
I really believe that you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with! And I realized that the more I change my average (5 people that I spend the most time with), I change accordingly. My standard and comfort zone change. I just came back from 5 days event Read more
Use A Standing Desk To Improve Your Productivity
It is one of those things which are not discussed enough in our world. You do not hear about how standing desk can affect your productivity. And I know I am not the first person who is using the standing desk or telling you about it. However, I really want to share my experience and Read more
8 Criteria for Choosing Where to Work Remotely as a Location Independent Entrepreneur
In this post I’m going to address a topic that will be greatly relevant to you, if you are a: Person who works remotely Location independent entrepreneur Digital nomad In the last four years, I’ve had the privilege to work remotely from over 30 different countries spanning several continents. I’ve been to Asia, South Read more