If You Are An A Player - Hire A Players, For Success & Fulfillment | Yuli Azarch

If You Are An A Player – Hire A Players, For Success & Fulfillment

Yuli Azarch Yuli Azarch | March 16, 2018 | No Comments on If You Are An A Player – Hire A Players, For Success & Fulfillment

A Player

I would love to remind you of something that I am learning again and again.

You should hire A players all the time!

Especially if you are an A player, you should hire A players. I believe it will bring you more success quicker and it will give you more fulfillment and happiness to actually work with the best people.

It is a painful lesson that I keep learning, but I am getting better at it. I keep understanding that I need to hire absolutely the best people possible for the job, task or project that I am working on. And, that I should not settle down with any kind of B player in any area of my life.

In business as in life, we all should have good standards!

Lessons from this episode:


01:06 – Definition of A player

01:42 – Investing in human resources allowed me to scale my business

04:13 – ’’ First who, then what? ’’ – Ray Dailo

05:35 – Examples of collaboration with B and C players compared with A players


All the best,

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