My 9-Step Morning Routine To Improve My Day
Yuli Azarch | March 5, 2018 | No Comments on My 9-Step Morning Routine To Improve My Day

For the last few years, I have been testing different morning routines.
And, every morning, I try to do something to empower my day. I’ve been consistent with my morning routines for last four years. I change them occasionally. But, I do not miss them.
I consider these two hours that I dedicate to my routines two of the most important hours in my day. Morning routines have allowed me to be happier and healthier and really just to grow my business and become a better human being.
So, I want to share my routine to inspire you to come up with your own, because I really believe that a morning routine sets you up for a success!
Morning routines make you feel better, healthier, and more productive. The way I see it, morning routines are the base of your day. It can be a ten-minute routine, a fifteen-minute one. Just do something that helps you start your day because a morning routine sets you for success.
When I don’t follow my morning routine, my day is scattered. I have a bad day. Also, I realized every successful person has a morning routine and when I started one I felt really, really great.
Lessons from this episode:
- A Bad Evening Routine Will Ruin Your Morning
- My 9-step Morning Routine
- Keep Your Phone In Airplane Mode During Your Morning Routine
A Bad Evening Routine Will Ruin Your Morning
In the past, I thought I wasn’t a morning person, but it turns out I had a bad evening routine. The routines I had in the evening weren’t helping me get a good night of sleep. I was sleeping
late, and it was really tough for me to wake up.
Sometimes it took me hours to shake myself up and start my day.
Once I started to improve my evening routines, my sleep also improved, and now I’ve become a morning person. To be honest, I get very tired in the evenings, wake up really easily in the mornings, and it’s actually in the mornings when I do my best job.
My 9-step Morning Routine
1. I Get 8 Hours of Sleep
First, I try to make sure the room is the darkest possible to get the less possible interruptions while I sleep. I usually wake up from 6 to 8 AM, depending on the circumstances, but I try to sleep eight hours each day no matter what.
2. I Drink 1l. of Water with Sea Salt
Once I’m up, I drink a liter of water with sea salt. Believe it or not, it really hydrates and wakes you up, because we rarely realize how dehydrated we are after waking up. Also, sea salt helps you retain the water in your body better and remain hydrated longer.Take Health Supplements
After the liter of water, I get my health supplements, which I normally take in the mornings and with an empty stomach. I take different herbs and supplements during the morning to see their benefits during the day.
3. Have a Cold Shower
This is one of the cornerstones of my morning routine. A cold shower wakes the hell out of me and if was groggy before the cold shower, believe me, I’ll be alert and in a better state once it’s done.
4. Brush My Teeth While Listening to A Podcast
This one is boring, I know, but while I brush my teeth, I listen to a podcast so I can make these 10 boring minutes into something productive. I do it during the evenings, too, and by the end of the week, I’ve won two hours where I get more information.
5. A Minute of Deep Breathing
After breathing, I make sure I do something physical with my body. It could be yoga, a bodyweight workout, the gym, a run on the beach, I try to do something different every day.
I make sure I move my body and do something that helps me with that. And, in my opinion, the mornings are the best way for me to do this because during the day it becomes tougher. I do something physical every morning, and by now my body is used to it.
Also, breathing is so important. Sometimes, the only thing we need is to breathe.
I try to do this part of my morning routine in the open air, but since I’m constantly traveling, I can’t always do it. I start with a full minute of deep breathing to fully activate my body and become more alert and focused.
I normally follow this by a few minutes of just being in peace and thinking of all the things I’m grateful for. This might be people, events in my life, whatever. I just close my eyes say thanks to the universe and express my gratitude.I feel great after I open them.
6. Physical Activity
After breathing, I make sure I do something physical with my body. It could be yoga, a bodyweight workout, the gym, a run on the beach, I try to do something different every day. I make sure I move my body and do something that helps me with that. And, in my opinion, the mornings are the best way for me to do this because during the day it becomes tougher. I do something physical every morning, and by now my body is used to it.
7. Meditation
After working out, I lay down on the floor and meditate. It makes me feel peaceful and in a calm state. I feel really relaxed afterward.
Even if you don’t do the rest of the things and only meditate, I think you would benefit a lot from it.
8. Planning My Day
After meditating, I’m super focused and that when I start to plan my day, which I believe is other of the most important elements of my morning routine.
I think of what’s the most important for me today, the things I want to do and the important extra steps I need to take to progress with my goals.
9. Writing a Journal
Another morning routine I started implementing in the last few months is journaling. I keep a journal of some sort, and I write about things and ask myself questions.
I write what’s on the top of my head and work in my journal for around five minutes and that’s pretty much it. That’s my morning routine.
Keep Your Phone In Airplane Mode During Your Morning Routine
This is a pro tip. During all this time, my cell phone has been in airplane mode, it doesn’t go off, but I can’t be reached during these two hours that I’m going through my morning routine.
I think that these two hours of my day are the most important hours. I wouldn’t be doing the things I do if I hadn’t started setting my day for success.
Also, I wouldn’t feel as good physically. I wouldn’t be as sharp and productive. And if you look at these routines separately, they are tiny steps, but together they add up to something bigger that makes me feel better.
I try to do it every day, although it gets hard when I’m traveling, I do at least one of the things on the list, so I set myself for success.
Last Words and Key Takeaways
- A morning routine will help your focus
- To get the most sleep, you probably need an evening routine, too.
- A morning routine doesn’t have to be super long
- Avoid distractions and you will be fine
Well, everybody. That was today’s episode. I hope you’ve learned something and start your own morning routine if you don’t have one already and if you do, think how you could improve it.
Before you leave, don’t forget to subscribe and leave me 5-star, amazing feedback. If you have comments or suggestions, I’ll be waiting for you in the comments section.
All the best,
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